Operation Christmas Child

Thank you!

With your help, Chapel Falls Christian Fellowship donated over 400 boxes in 2023! Each year, we are blown away by what God does through OCC, and this past year was no different. Thank you!

What is Operation Christmas Child?

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a ministry of Samaritan's Purse whose mission is "to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world." They accomplish this by shipping shoeboxes filled with gifts to boys and girls across the globe and sharing the gospel with each child.

Since 1993, God has used Samaritan’s Purse to deliver over 200 million Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to children in need and disciple 50 million of these boys and girls.

How to Pack a Shoebox

It's easy and fun to pack an OCC shoebox gift! Learn everything you need to know about packing one by watching the video below.

Opeation Christmas Child by the Numbers

Take a look at the impact that OCC has had since beginning in 1993.

Questions about OCC?

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